Saturday, February 26, 2011


memory seems like our good and bad times
i'm sure that everyone had experienced it a lot :)
and it have to be equal
..if not, it's not a complete life

sometimes i thought that memory was better than current life..
you know why???
memory was certainly past and it was REALITY
what we're having now is not necessarily true
stop it!!!
u're acting is WORSE

don't blind your heart if your eyes can't see anymore  

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

h.e.p.i.t.u.a.d.a.y :p

22 thn dah kamu...
aku alum gik....testing2 ka2 bhsa ktk... 

1st post dlm bhsa rojak which is more to my mother tongue...
bhsa mlayu SARAWAK lah...boh jelez...haha

oit, makcik..
sory mun shari 2 hari tok mala ngecik ati ktk jak..
ng sgaja plah cmya..
ksian jwak ngn AMAH knk halau dr blit jak2 ow..
tedahnya kedak tetamu x d undang
tp jauh di sudut hati x terniat hati untuk melakukan perkara seperti itu *ayt skema indh*
Naib YDP bh..ehem2..boh jelez..kmk jdi GK-byk mksd tok :p

1st knal ktk memg x rapat la.
tp at least kmk maintain nk???
kmk x prlu joging k cra t'tntu utk part2 yg t'tentu cm yg kmk pdh ya...hoho.
sjak kebelakangan tok mulut kta suma cm mulut longkang
cm kmk jwk kdg2 mood alu swing tek nk... =)
so, mtk maap byk2 mun tkecik ati
esok, plah yg lebh trok gk

x sgka ktk dh tua, lebh2 gk mlm tdik..
memg tua hbis!
bngga mek da kwan cm TUA cm ktk..
UBAN byk alu jak..muahahaha

pesanan Exco2:
boh congek cm tok
kcak x mata purple kmk?kmk da, ktk ada?
kmpem xda...mata kmk mahal u...
boh bna lak tngga, tgoda lak..haha :D

kmk mok wish skali gk
with lots of love from us ♥♥♥♥♥♥

together we survive..hihi
xtauk mok pdh pa gk..
mkin byk mek ka2, mkin byk rahsia pecah lak...
anyway, may Allah bless U
hepi owez and all the best 

age is not just a number but it shows how matured you are and what you've experienced

so, don't hide your REAL AGE

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Wednesday, February 9, 2011


Seems like almost 5 years after what you did to me
I'm not your besties and what so ever
I'm not anyone for you
I'm not care for you and i didn't intefere your matter
You can scold me, you can beat me up
but why "SLANDER"???
It's better for you to kill me!

I knew it may be a simple sentence from you but did you know the effect?
How's my life?
Did you ever thought of it?
How you feel when you can't even say a single word to protect yourself?
It hurts me to the deepest of my heart

I really want to forgive you but my heart protest~
Just give me time
Sometimes i want to ask "Why you act like this?why you do that to me?why?why?why?
I knew that i'm not as good as you
I knew that everyone will believe you
I knew that i'm quite a trouble maker
but do you know that, i'll never do the same to you
if i did, so what's the difference between you and me?

don't act  freely because sometimes the consequences are worse than expected